Friday 5 March 2010

The SRA refers Davenport Lyons to the Solicitors' Disciplinary Tribunal

The SRA Refers Davenport Lyons to the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal

Directors David Gore and Brian Miller will stand before a misconduct panel over the bullying letters sent out to people demanding payment and accusing them of illegally sharing copyright material.  A scheme since taken on by ACS:LAW with the help of Ex Davenport Lyons Paralegal Terence Tsang

A leading law firm is being investigated over claims that it bullied and harassed hundreds of people wrongly accused of illegal filesharing. The Solicitors Regulation Authority, an industry watchdog, said it is investigating a complaint brought against Davenport Lyons, the London-based solicitors' firm that has led a number of prosecutions against illegal filesharers. The consumer group Which? first made an official complaint in 2008, after a number of people contacted it to say that they had received letters from Davenport Lyons demanding payment for illegal downloads that were nothing to do with them.

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