Friday, 29 January 2010


Yes finally it seems those merry scamsters legitimate Solicitors are getting a lot of focus in the Mainstream Media.  No word yet from ACS LAW apart from the usual bullying threats of being taking to Court for Slander and other such allegations.  Terence Tsang we know you want to defend Andrew but come on.....

Anyway here is the list

Law firm's piracy hunt condemned

BPI rejects scareletter approach to possible pirates

ACS:Law-type scams ‘big business’

BPI slams law firm chasing illegal file-sharers

BPI Rejects Piracy Threat Letters and Slams Large Profit Making UK ISPs

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Thursday, 28 January 2010

Lords debate how to STOP ACS LAWs "Legal Blackmail"

Debate in the Lords regarding ACS LAW "Speculative Invoicing" scheme or as one Lord puts it so right "Legal Blackmail"

Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Received a letter from ACS LAW? Dont panic


[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="259" caption="Those lovely playful scamsters"]The alleged Scamsters[/caption]

 Here are a few links to get acquainted with those who accuse you of file sharing. This is a scam legitimate business model!!!!

Click here for help at the Beingthreatened website*

An Anti ACS Blog

Click here for some background on ACS LAW
and their cronies

Click here to go to the SLYCK Forums
concerning this subject

A YOUTUBE Channel dedicated to highlighting ACS LAW

ACS BORE Facebook group

LOGISTEP IP TRACKERS Facebook group  (seems a great point to gather)

A Portal for LOTS of Links (Where this text was taken from)

*I have NO connection with Beingthreatened and do NOT speak for them.  They ARE the first port of call for those receiving a letter from ACS LAW.  I have no connection with any of the other links, I merely wish to promote their popularity as a way of defeating ACS LAW and their practices against innocent people.

The setup

A group of Solicitors in cahoots with so called "Forensic" Experts using a frowned upon hack of Shareaza are targeting peoples IP addresses for illegal downloads. Now this so far seems quite reasonable right?  I mean it is only fair that people who create games and films should be able to gain money for their work and effort, I have no problem with such a principle.

ACS LAW took over from Davenport Lyons and started to send out their "letters" in early 2009, backed by Digiprotect, Digirights, and Logistep, and at the time of writing, employing Andrew Crossley, Terence Tsang (Ex Davenport Lyons) and one of their Chums Lee Bowden from Piri Ltd they seek to send out over 15,000 threatening demands for cash in the New Year.  

The Modus Operandi

 This has happened all over Europe, for this website I will focus on the UK ops.  Davenport Lyons a well respected Solicitors at the time sullied their name with this tawdry affair.  The Problem?  Well an IP does NOT identify an individual, sure it is allocated to an individual in some ways but it is not foolproof by any means.

Received a letter from Terence Tsang Andrew Crossley and Lee Bowden of Piri, LTD Accusing people of infringing copyright by sharing files via file sharing p2p.

The so called "Top Companies" on their roster of Clients include Reality Pump, Techland, Topware, and Zuxxez  using "Forensic evidence" from Digiprotect. and Logistep


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Friday, 22 January 2010

ACS LAW accused of "Harassment bullying and intrusion"

This is worth a look. This could be the begining of the End for ACS LAW. TWO Lords speak out against them in this clip. I would urge you to watch it to the end and PLEASE comment and rate the Video. For all those accused by this "Law Firm" I would say have no fear. The two Lords describe ACS LAW as "harassing" and "bullying" and "intrusive" amongst many others. How those accused know only to well.

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

"Anti Piracy" Law Firms labeled a Scam in the House of Lords

Lord Clement-Jones describes a continuing scam of a Law Firm that obtains a Norwich Pharmacal and then uses it to try to obtain money from an individual. I have to say it sounds so much like the ACS LAW model that I just have to assume he is talking about one and the same.

Thursday, 14 January 2010

Lord Lucas: "ACS LAW Civil action is uncivil"

More news from the Lords this time concerning ACS LAW and their ilk more directly

Monday, 4 January 2010

Stephen Fry SLAMS the entertainment Industry over filesharing

Please take a look at this Video, and rate it and comment on it.