Thursday, 27 May 2010

ACS:LAW The heartwarming story of Andrew Jonathon Crossley (Or how he overcame financial problems to fleece the innocent... allegedly)

How heart warming it is to see that a man who as a result of being clinically depressed in 1999 suffered a stroke which in turn caused temporary complete blindness which in turn caused him to be unable to file his solicitors accounts on time or even at all for FIVE separate periods totalling FORTY-EIGHT months between periods ending 31st Dec 1999 and 31st December 2003, a period during which coincidentally this poor man was forced to enter into an IVA (Individual Voluntary Arrangement), was fined and ordered to be suspended indefinitely by an SRA tribunal in 2002, a man who had to face the further ignominy and trauma of a second disciplinary hearing in 2006 has recovered from this clinical depression and blindness enough to not only rebuild a career but a career as a successful* solicitor no less.

I hope all those Innocent falsely accused people who are currently experiencing financial troubles can draw some strength from this brave mans story for it appears (from his own website at least) that he is achieving a massive 80% success rate with his speculative invoicing campaign which by my rough calculations means his letter drop of 2009 has netted him in excess of £2.25m from internet users.

Let this man Andrew Jonathon Crossley be an inspiration in your darkest moments, let his triumph over depression, blindness indebtedness and insolvency spur you on.

That a man who for years was unable to get to grips with the numbers involved with his own basic practice accounts can just a few years later become an expert legal pioneer in the field of IP address’s and forensics is remarkable and gives me hope that one day I might yet go on to become a rocket scientist or invent the time-machine despite my poor showing in pure and applied maths and physics at A level.

The full story. LINK

The only Andrew J Crossley registered with the law society, (admission date 15/07/1991 see disciplinary report). LINK

* Well not that successful if you were to ask Vince Acors the Dubai "sex on the beach" chappie.

Who was Vince Acors PR man?*

Andrew J Crossley has been the subject of not one but TWO SRA tribunals involving failure to submit accounts. The previous hearing took place in December 2002, here's the decision:
"..the Tribunal could not allow the current failures on the part of the Respondent to continue indefinitely. For this reason, the Tribunal ordered that the Respondent be suspended from practice for an indefinite period to commence on the 31st January 2003 but confirmed that should he regularise his position and file his outstanding annual Accountant’s Reports with The Law Society by that date then the sanction imposed upon him by the Tribunal would be that of a reprimand and not a suspension. It was right that the Respondent should pay the Applicant’s costs and the Tribunal ordered that these be paid in the fixed sum of £1,250 plus VAT, a figure with which the Respondent agreed.”

(The Respondent did regularise his position and was reprimanded)

* We now know that the PR guy was Lee Bowden of Piri Ltd, Media C.A.T, and the Text Works. Media C.A.T? yep the very same ones who have now hired ACS:LAW to track down copyright infringers! ** Original Article posted by Jasper1965 on CAG February 2010

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Thursday, 20 May 2010

Which? vs ACS:LAW "The UNUSUAL suspects"

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Which? computing in their latest Magazine have an article regarding the many falsely accused people who have been caught in the "Speculative Invoicing" plan by ACS:LAW.  Described in the Lords as "Legal Blackmail, the article exposing it further to the light is published here. (I would urge you all to actually BUY Which? as it is truly an EXCELLENT magazine)

I would like to say a big thankyou to Which? Computing AND to Deborah Prince the Legal affairs Chief

 "Fair Use is Claimed"

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Friday, 7 May 2010

New Bull$hit Detector

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="230" caption="Click to start"][/caption]

this is the new ACS 2 Bullshit Detector.  It has been run past the latest letters and seems to be VERY reliable at detecting bullshit.  If you have any comments on how the new ACS 2 can be improved please let me know.

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Wednesday, 5 May 2010

One year on and ACS:LAW still Threaten

Today is the First year anniversary of ACS:LAW sending out their "Speculative Invoices" of course when I say "they" I really mean Andrew J Crossley.  Let us not make ACS:LAW sound more grand than what it really is.  A one man band.

So with all the "Forensic" Evidence and "Airtight" cases, WHERE are the chances to stand in court then Andrew?  One Year? No Court cases?  shame on you!

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Monday, 3 May 2010

Remember when Lawdit had to "payup" for linking ACS:LAW with Davenport Lyons?

Remember when Lawdit had to "payup" for linking ACS:LAW with Davenport Lyons? 

….Well it seems that Lawdit was RIGHT all along. Here is a "screenshot" from Lawdit concerning the issue. From 13th May 2009 

lawdit acs 

And here almost a year later, the truth is exposed from ACS:LAWs own mouth! 

[caption id="attachment_248" align="alignnone" width="450" caption="ACS Unexpected Admission (Click for larger image)"][/caption]

 Moral for you ACS is that when you LIE online, you will always be caught out! 

The News that Lawdit had been censured by ACS:LAW was a blow to many of us who had only then just received these letters. Lawdit have proved to be an excellent Solicitors and very generous with their time and advice. 

The Link in all this is again the Shadowy figure of Terence Tsang, who left Davenport Lyons just as the SRA were closing in on them to join ACS:LAW, and now true to previous form he has left ACS:LAW again just as the SRA are closing in on them to.  

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="225" caption="Terence Tsang - Ex Davenport Lyons Ex ACS:LAW"]Terence Tsang[/caption]

It remains to be seen if Tsangs new Firm Cramer-Pelmont will continue the sad and depressing episode of persuing innocent people with wild accusations. Of course we DO know that Terence has his OWN "Monitoring" Software now!

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Sunday, 2 May 2010

Terence Tsang leaves ACS:LAW "The rat deserts a sinking ship"

[caption id="attachment_176" align="alignleft" width="106" caption="Terence Tsang - "Cramer Pelmont" EX ACS LAW"][/caption]

It seems that "Shady"  ACS:LAW Paralegal Terence "W$%$%r" Tsang, is no longer employed by ACS:LAW, his present employer Cramer Pelmont make NO reference to his work with ACS:LAW although it does note that he worked at Davenport Lyons,  there is also reference to Tsang
 Advising a German record label on preventing the unauthorised sale of products on Ebay and other online trading platforms.


Advising international rights owners on preventing the unlawful distribution of their copyrighted works on peer to peer

Hmmmm now what IS interesting as I pointed out in a previous post, is wether Terence Tsang had taken the "piece of crap" P2P Scanner that he brought from freelancer to his new employers.  You have to at least wonder in light of the fact that Davenport Lyons started this whole sorry mess and when they quit Mr Tsang left to Join ACS:LAW just as they started their campaign.  Coincidence? well we will see. 

In light of the SRA dragging its heels over both Davenport Lyons AND ACS:LAW it will be VERY interesting to see if "Cramer Pelmont" letters start being sent through the post to people demanding them to "Pay up or be ruined".  The Common denominator in ALL of this is Mr Tsang.  One thing is sure that with Mr Tsangs MASSIVE ego at yet another company looking for big bucks fast the "Speculative Invoice" is far from over.  Especially as one of the specialties of  Cramer Pelmont is the ominous "Protecting Rightsholders Interests - Online"

EDIT: A Message has appeared on the ACS LAW Website saying Goodbye.  Aww aint that nice!  It also PROVES that he had worked there since May 2009, and confirms he came from DAvenport Lyons, and so proves once again that ACS:LAW are liars and canot be trusted.

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