Sunday, 25 April 2010

Lee Bowden and Media CAT..... Coming soon

[caption id="attachment_175" align="alignleft" width="144" caption="Lee Bowden - Media C.A.T and Piri LTD"][/caption]

Lee Bowden the Friend of ACS:LAWs Andrew Crossley and the "Sex on the Beach in Dubai" Vince Acors has been "Pretending" to now be a "Copyright Expert" protecting some rather nasty Pornography films such as "Granny F%$%$rs" and the like.  "Copyright Expert"?? LMAO oh really? wasnt this the same Lee Bowden who used to pretend to be a MEDIA AGENT for his Friend?  Hmmm ANYTHING for a quick buck I guess.

If Mr Bowden likes to hang with people who have sex in Arabic Countries in public and likes to watch Porn movies of this kind then he should at least keep such things to himself.  BUT it seems he has been sending out letters demanding money from people who he believes shares the same fetish as him.  IF any of you have been targetted by this sick individual, please get in touch..... 

As Andrew Crossley his friend and the signature of the letters once said "Sex Sells..." Well quite but I would certainly NOT be interested in viewing such filth, paid or not.

ANYONE of you out their who have received a letter from these people PLEASE send it to me at my email.

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Wednesday, 14 April 2010

ACS:LAW to Hit the Cannes Film Festival! In search of crap films to extort money from

Or "The Trough is dry so we will talk to people who have NO idea that we have NO good reputation"

ACSLAW to Hit the Cannes Film Festival!  Wow exciting times, Andrew Crossley must have made a LOT of money to weasel his way there. 

The chances of this idiot of course being thrown out of Cannes is quite high. NO respected Film Producer or production house is going to give him a second look.  Who will? Well films that are crap and that no one wants to watch. 

Who is Crossley working with regarding his “colleagues based in Europe and the United States”? Well if I had to hazard a guess at what smells the same in the US as this Crap in the UK it would have to be the “US Copyright Group” who has on its client list such films as “Steam Experiment,” “Far Cry,” “Uncross the Stars,” “Gray Man,” or “Call of the Wild 3D.” never heard of them? Well like I said that is because they are CRAP and don’t deserve to earn any money (Don’t believe me? Check out IMDB or the name of Far Cry Director “Uwe Boll”).  This is where the TRUE reasoning behind the “creating a revenue stream and monetizing the equivalent of an alternative distribution channel.” as US Copyright Group Lawyer Jeffrey Weaver recently commented, comes from.

You pick a game or a film or music, that is basically CRAP and does not sell much, rather than saying “Hey it’s a piece of Crap” they say, “the reason it has not sold is that people have copied it for free”.    They BUY the rights for P2P distribution of these AWFUL titles and then ANY IP that is caught in a SWARM is targeted, spoofed or not, they don’t care.  It is ALL money to them.  AVATAR of course did VERY bad at the Box Office because of all the free downloads!

Of course don’t fool yourself that this is actually JUSTICE, if there was ANY chance of it going to Court the actual claim would be DROPPED, see they don’t want a fight, OH NO they want to SCARE people into THINKING they will be taken to Court.  Don’t believe me? Ok, go find ALL the people that ACS LAW, Davenport Lyons or Tilly Bailey & Irvine have ACTUALLY prosecuted. Oh and Isabella Barwinska DOES NOT COUNT.  Go on, and please IF you do find someone please please email me, I will be VERY surprised.

 Oh and one last point, considering it was claimed that Isabella Barwinska was the FIRST person Prosecuted for file sharing in the UK, you could also go and see if you can find me a photo or any other info on this lady.

So I hope someone in Cannes spots this fat balding charlatan and takes some pics of him and his sidekick Terence.  You know where to send them…..

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Saturday, 10 April 2010

"Tilly Bailey and Irvine" Stop sending "Speculative Invoices" to save their Reputation

[caption id="attachment_161" align="alignleft" width="112" caption="Amanda Mitten - Tilly Bailey & Irvine"][/caption]

Tilly Bailey and Irvine who started to emulate ACS:LAW in sending out "Speculative Invoices" to people asking them to "Pay up or be sued" have apparently halted their operations as it appears that the negative publicity is harming their other businesses.

Tilly Bailey & Irvine actually threatened to enforce the debt collection AGAINST the Property of the person accused.
"We estimate that collectively such costs would be several thousand pounds. In the event that you were not able to pay whatever sums the court may direct, our client would have no option but to take steps to enforce the debt against your property.

Extract from   TBI letter

You can see the letter to one such person here (letter from Tilly Bailey & Irvine)  The Solicitors specialise in  illegally file-shared pornographic material copyrighted by Golden Eye (International) Limited.

I have tried to contact Tilly Bailey & Irvine, as have others with the same result, NO REPLY, indeed they have actually Blocked my Twitter account and my Youtube Channel.  This I find is a shame, as I am very courteous and polite and only want to know the truth and defend those who are falsely accused.  I do NOT believe that this is a way for a Solicitor to act.  Before you wonder why I believe they would respond to someone they believe is a "Pressure Group" I have also tried to contact them via straight email, but nothing.

I feel that it is NOT right for Tilly Bailey and Irvine to merely withdraw for COMMERCIAL reasons while still maintaining they were morally right in what they were doing.  IF they had apologised that would have been different.

We are left with a situation where Amanda Mitten with the collaboration of her Seniors has THREATENED peoples homes and livelihoods with NO EVIDENCE released, NO WAY for the person to defend themselves unless they bankrupted themselves to pay for a Solicitor.

This is why I believe Tilly Bailey and Irvine should NOT be allowed to rebuild their shattered reputation, UNTIL they accept that what they have done is "Conduct unbecoming a Solicitor" I hope the SRA will investigate.  To threaten to take someone’s home without evidence based on some foreign surveillance is an OUTRAGE.

One further amusing aspect of just how far they went to try to SILENCE their critics was this following extract regarding their attempt to "Vandalise" the Wikipedia Website
So, how do we know it was TBI doing the editing? Because they were smart enough to edit it from, the IP address registered to their company.

“Please do not remove sourced content from Wikipedia, as you did with TBI Solicitors — this is vandalism,” wrote a Wikipedia admin to Tilly Bailey & Irvine.

“Furthermore, your IP address geolocates to ‘TILLY BAILEY & IRVINE’ which suggests that you have a conflict of interest in removing criticism of the firm from Wikipedia. I suggest that you familiarise yourself with that policy before editing this particular article any further,” added the award-winning user, Rlandmann. From Torrentfreak Article.


So What do YOU think?

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Thursday, 8 April 2010

ACS:LAW Response to the DeBill being passed

The rather childish response from ACS:LAW as posted on their website.
ACS Law are delighted with the passing of the Digital Economy Bill through the House of Commons and welcomes a new age of prosperity for our creative industries. The swift and decisive action taken today will ensure that rights owners may now invest with confidence to deliver high quality media to the masses. 

This firm has always held the belief that the owner of the internet connection should be held, in the first instance, to be responsible for copyright infringement occurring on their internet connection. We are encouraged to see that the government are of a similar view. The Digital Economy Bill comes as a tragic blow to those who have failed in their misguided attempts to campaign against our work and similarly, those who believe that they can continually deprive hard working musicians, film makers and software companies of the revenue they rightly deserve without repercussion. 

In a short space of time, we have demonstrated sustainable and measurable results for our clients. As our client list grows, we continue to represent and work closely with rights owners to ensure that their intellectual property is protected. The future holds many new opportunities which this firm will capitalise upon, as we aim to multiply our successes through a new marketing initiative to take advantage of the Digital Economy Bill.

Time to pop the champagne cork and celebrate? We certainly think so.

So says ACS:LAW (Leaving aside the fact that he targets many innocent people with his $250 piece of crap monitoring software).  I will leaves their words hanging as they do, there is NOTHING I can say that would make them any more ridiculous than they already are.  I will also leave the last Word to Mr Crossley, regarding his clawing back money for the rightful owners.  "After my expenses the copyright owner is the largest single beneficiary," he said.

What he of course FAILS to mention is that in the ACS:LAW Business Model Logistep, Digiprotecr and now his own Friend LEE BOWDEN, BUY the rights to the material for a pittance and so make the money as the "Copyright Holder", nice work if you can get it, oh and of course you don't have a conscience.

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Like a T-Shirt? DeBill Passed, Democracy NOT FOUND

[caption id="attachment_201" align="alignleft" width="116" caption="Cant prove a Negative?"][/caption]

Now the Digital Economy has been pushed through and it is quite clear that the MP's are in the pockets of BIG BUSINESS rather than acting as OUR representatives, I thought I would post a little light relief.  I mean it is good to protest right? A RIOT is merely the language of the unheard....right?  Well man do I feel unheard right now.

I have ACS:LAW sending me their shite and threatening me with financial ruin if I dont cough up first £500 and now they want over a £1000, (although I do wonder if Mr Crossley knows that or if it is only Mr Tsang, you just cant tell these days) crooks Birds of a feather and all.  I have written dozens of letters and made even more phone calls, managed to persuade some BBC Journos to do a story about ACS LAW, Everyone seems to be saying that ACS LAW are WRONG,

Anyhows, where was I , ahh yes since Baron Madelbrot decided he would do the bidding of David Geffen and the rest of the Corporate world rather than those who elected him wante

d, sorry? I forgot NO ONE elected this MORON did they? Well that makes it even WORSE.  Oh balls, I cant write anymore, this who clusterf%$k of a Government has REALLY got my goat.  here take a look at a couple of fantasy T-Shirts for fun.

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Wednesday, 7 April 2010

British Government Bought by BIG BUSINESS?

[caption id="attachment_193" align="aligncenter" width="450" caption="Peter Mandelson with (l) Jacob Rothschild and (r) David Geffen"][/caption]

For all the THOUSANDS of people who contacted their MP's regarding the Digital Economy Bill, a more shameful display of arrogance can scarcely be remembered in the House of Commons as that was displayed yesterday.  With the whole FUTURE of our Digital Economy hanging in the Balance,  it was a sad day indeed for those who still believed in Democracy.

There can be NO doubt that our Business Secretary, Peter Mandelson has IGNORED the call of thousands if not MILLIONS of people to listen to the opinions of the TWO men pictured with him in the above Collage.  David Geffen, and Jacob Rothschild et all. 

It is a DISGRACE and that is all I can say about this situation, a debate held AFTER the Election was announced.

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Monday, 5 April 2010

ACS:LAWs Terence Tsang the "Del Boy" of file sharing buys job lot of monitoring programs "Off the back of a lorry" to help out his Bosses Mate!

[caption id="attachment_175" align="alignleft" width="144" caption="Lee Bowden - Media C.A.T and Piri LTD"][/caption]

With news breaking that the Paralegal Terence Tsang has bought code from a freelancer with a view to:  

[caption id="attachment_176" align="alignright" width="106" caption="Terence Tsang - ACS LAW, AvanGroup, AdvanMedia"][/caption]

 “Create a bit-torrent client for me which will obtain details about file sharers of certain torrents. Server is Linux. The torrent client just needs to monitor IP addresses and take information which is then placed in a database,” writes Tsang in his request.  

[caption id="attachment_177" align="alignleft" width="150" caption="Andrew Crossley - ACS LAW"][/caption]

“The information needed is as follows: Host IP, Hit Date and time (GMT time), Provider network name (i believe whois search will help with this – can you think of a better way?), P2P Client, File name, File size, MD5 of file,”  

And also:  

 “So we need to get the software to monitor a number of specific torrents it needs to create a database of the above information. The database needs to be able to import into a database file like csv. I am only interested in UK IP addresses. Easy job if you have the skills,”   

It seems only right in light of ACS LAWs failure to release details regarding their “Monitoring system”, and the fact that ACS LAW Sole Partner Andrew Crossleys buddy and work associate Lee Bowden has entered the fray as a client of ACS LAW to do what they do best and SPECULATE, so here goes.  

Lee Bowden owns MEDIA C.A.T and The Text Works and is a Partner with Jay Puddy of Pirri LTD.  Although there is NO suggestion that Pirri LTD is involved with this but MEDIA C.A.T most certainly is and so is Bowden.  

Indeed at the hearing at the Royal Courts of Justice in London on November 19th 2009 When Chief Master Winegarten asked why rights holders were dealing with Media C.A.T and not directly with DigiProtect, Crossley said that  

“[Media C.A.T] happen to operate in the UK…dealing with UK companies…” In referring to the scheme ACS:Law and DigiProtect operate in respect of these hardcore porn titles, Crossley tried to suggest that they were doing a public service by helping to prevent the sharing of restricted movies on P2P.  

Chief Master Winegarten responded by noting that  

“[this is] not a moral crusade” and that in his opinion, ACS:Law and DigiProtect were doing this “…because you want the money.”  

So what are we to make of this? Well it PROVES that Terence Tsang bought code for the very purpose of bringing file sharing suspects to court.  

The work dates back to April 2008, I do NOT know when he left Davenport Lyons but this time scale would at least indicate the timing of a realistic business practice.  Indeed  their WAS a abortive website that attempted this that was registered back in January 2009, it name was and a quick WHOIS search reveals that the Registrant is…… Terence Tsang of Advanmedia/AdvanGroup and also of ACS:LAW.    

We KNOW that Lee Bowden and Andrew Crossley are friends or at the least associates.  Bowdens Company Media C.A.T is in trouble with it’s finances and needs cash, how? Well a quick search of Companies House Website SHOWS that Media C.A.T is in trouble.  

1)  If Terence Tsang had inside knowledge into the methods used by Logistep and Digiprotect which having worked for DL we assume he would have.  Have we just uncovered the specification of the “Monitoring Software”? , if so then this confirms what we have suspected all along, that this “Monitoring Software” is not fit for purpose. This may also explain the complete reluctance by ACS:Law to provide the “Evidence” and “Expert Reports” to those that have requested them.  

2)   Is this commissioned application the very same monitoring software now being used by Media C.A.T ? , and if it is then is this not a serious conflict of interest? not only does it raise serious concerns about the quality and processes used by the “Monitoring Software” it’s also possible that the solicitors concerned:  

a.      Commissioned the program  

b.      Operate the Program  

c.      Gather the Evidence  

d.      Produce the letters of Claim  

e.      Receive Money from the “Damages” claimed  

This may be something that the SRA may wish to investigate further and if the suspicions are proved to be true they should be held to account for their actions.  

So What is the Truth? Is Andrew Crossley merely helping out a friend in need(Lee Bowden) or is Terence Tsang trying to break away from ACS LAW?  How Did Tilly Bailey & Irvine get involved? ….we cant know for sure but certainly their needs to be an investigation by the Solicitors Regulation Authority at the VERY least into the actions of these three people.  It seems at the VERY least that all roads lead to Terence Tsang and Advanmedia/AdvanGroup

Credit: Thx Flaw!

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