Wednesday, 31 March 2010
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
Wanted Posters
Labels: acs, acs law, ACS LAW Letters, amanda mitten, andrew crossley, blackmail, bogus legal letters, davenport lyons, digiprotect, filesharing, legal blackmail, terence tsang, tilly bailey irvine, wank plan, wanker
Monday, 22 March 2010
"A really wank Plan" Leaked Documents from ACS:LAWs attempt to Silence dissent
Here are the Letters to Slyck from ACS LAW, with the so called "Evidence" Hmmmm See what you think
Letter to Slyck 2010.03.09 (signed, emailed and printed) This is the actual letter
ACS Defamation on Slyck (AJC approved) And this is the "Supporting Evidence"
Now when reading these I would caution you NOT to be holding a HOT Beverage and to be sitting when reading so if you DO fall over laughing you wont hurt yourself so badly.
Remember this comes from an ACTUAL LAW FIRM
Labels: acs law, ACS LAW Letters, andrew crossley, shyster, slyck, slyck forums, terence tsang, wank, wank plan, wanker
Open letter to Andrew Crossley Re: Threat to Slyck Forums
I am no Solicitor, merely a concerned net user accused in your dragnet of sharing a “Work”. I deny it and still await the evidence you hold on me, it has now been nearly a year.
You say I called your Paralegal Terence Tsang, a “W%$£$%” and also that I have implied that he has been “harassing” people online. First let us be clear, either Terence DOES work for you or he doesn’t, of course I know he does and also because of his desire to inflate his own ego to your detriment (more of that to follow), I know he also DID work for “Davenport Lyons”
You made it quite clear when interviewed that you had NO link with “Davenport Lyons” I know that to be “economical with the actualite” you see you were SEEN with Davenport Lyons Solicitors at a Court Hearing, Terence told a friend of mine that he WORKED for the, so their WAS and IS a link.
The question of evidence has been longstanding to be almost humorous, indeed if you were not representing some VERY vilely titled Films for your “Clients” I would be truly on the floor laughing. A single line from a an MS spreadsheet that says NOTHING is hardly evidence is it Mr Crossley? “Army F$£$%£s” is really not the sort of film you should be representing is it? I mean would you like your name associated with it? Oh don’t answer it already is along with many many more I could not actually reproduce here. What DO you call a person who acts for the Sex Industry and represents “Clients” anyway? Pimp?
I know that you infringed copyright on your original Website, not only with pictures but also articles, I know you were compelled to take them down by rights holders in some cases. That is not good is it? Someone setting themselves up to defend peoples rights by err…. Taking them without permission.
Remember the Word Documents that you hosted on your original website? You can learn a lot from Word Documents, that is how we first knew of Terence Tsang “TTsang” was rather obvious, as was “Davenport lyons” on the “Created by” Field. You did deny any link with Davenport lyons of course as I mentioned earlier, but come on really? Admit it, you will look less foolish and more honest. Remember Tracy Prevett? The “tprevett” who wrote your FAQ? Work for ACS LAW or Davenport Lyons? Don’t answer
The accusation that Terence has been harassing people? Hmmm well what would YOU call it, Terence has been known to stalk the chatroom at Beingthreatened, and also on twitter sending Direct Messages, and also emails, but you MUST have know about all that surely? I mean he is not a loose cannon is he? Is he?
I was amazed at how many websites Terence had set up, http://www.ADVANGROUP.COM,, http://www/,,,
To name but a few, and then of course there is the case of the two he was forced to hand over, what were they again? Oh of course, and
now I am quite sure these were attempts at making money at the expense of Morgan Stanley and Old National Bancorp, again you MUST have know about these right?
I wonder if you know that Terence was making deals on Twitter to send mail directly to him? Of course you did.
I am sorry to have said the “W%$£$%” word in regard to Terence as what I meant to say was “Who is this Shyster Terence Tsang” see, I am not sure what he does in the comfort of his own home, (apart from watching “Animal farm” and downloading “Championship Manager” but of course that is only what HE has said.) NO I cannot KNOW that he is a “W%$£$%” so I should not have said it, on balance of probability though, and lets face it at the Civil Court that is what it is, I would say it is most probable that he is a “Shyster”, of course as you knew NOTHING about what he was up to I could not possibly comment, but you know now what he has been up to.
As far as the comparison between yourself and Harold Shipman, I can only apologise if you thought I was actually comparing you to the Bad Doctor, anyone who actually read the comment though would have realized I was merely using a metaphor, I was saying that as the Music Industry had been criticized for being so heavy handed in dealing with alleged infringers, the fact that you had been slated BY the Music Industry struck me as an extremity, and the only thing I could think about was Harold Shipman calling a Doctor a “bit negligent”.
I hope you will come clean now Mr Crossley, it would be interesting for you to go on record and say why Ms Beale bailed out on you and went to Newmans. Ohh and BTW, looking at your Word Document, I see you have a Macintosh, very nice. Now show us the Evidence
BTW I also know that Media-Cat is owned by your friend and colleague Lee Bowden who is also a Director of Piri LTD, Had a nice chat with the fellow Director who did not seem to happy with what Mr Bowden was doing. Of course I also know that Media-Cat is in financial trouble I know he was also the Media Agent for Vice Acors, you remember him right?
Those in glass houses Mr Crossley....
Labels: acs, acs law, ACS LAW Letters, andrew crossley, davenport lyons, logistep, slyck, terence tsang, tsang
Sunday, 14 March 2010
Brian Miller is "Virtuallyinhouse"!
Even stranger is the fact that he has a link and it seems indeed that "Virtuallyinhouse" is a part of his Wifes larger business. Stranger still that a few years ago a group called "Davenport Cats" threatened to disclose details of a personal nature regarding Mr and Mrs Miller in light of the "Bullying and Harrasment" that Davenport Lyons was conducting at the time and which has now landed Mr Miller and his Co-Director David Gore in hot water with the SRA.
Now my point regarding this is that at the time it seemed unsightly that Mr Millers Wife should be dragged into an argument merely because she was married to a "Bully", and I agree she should not, however nor do I believe it is right that Mr Miller trades off his Wifes name if he feels that he does not want the spotlight to shine on her unfavourably. Does that make sense?
See for yourself. Mr Millers Amateurish business site is here See for yourself on the links. Read how it describes Mr Miller then check out the link "Recomendations" and see that the link still shows Mr Miller working for Davenport Lyons. Can we say shoddy? I thought we could
EDIT: Of course I realise that my little Blog may well look amateurish, but that is ok, I dont have money from people I have "bullied and harrassed" to build a better one......
Labels: acs, acs law, ACS LAW Letters, amanda mitten, andrew crossley, bogus legal letters, brian miller, davenport, davenport lyons, david gore, filesharing, terence tsang, tilly bailey irvine, virtually, virtuallyinhouse
Thursday, 11 March 2010
The Davenport "TWO": Their Solicitor speaks out
The Solicitor representing Davenport Lyons EX Director Brian Miller and and current Director David Gore, has spoken out about his clients innocence. Mark Stephens from the improbably named "Finers Stephens Innocent" said the following
Mark Stephens, a partner at Stephens Finers Innocent who is representing the two solicitors involved, rejected the consumer group’s allegations. He said Davenport Lyons has a long tradition of protecting the rights of creators, and its methodology for handling illegal file-sharing cases conforms to industry best practice, and has been adopted in the Digital Economy Bill currently going through parliament. Stephens said it was not correct to say the solicitors’ conduct was inappropriate in the manner alleged by Which?, adding that Davenport Lyons has a 100% success rate for the illegal file-sharing cases that it has taken to court. Stephens accepted that there was a ‘small concern’ regarding the information provided by the internet service provider, which Davenport Lyons had relied on. In a few cases, he said the ISP had wrongly identified the people involved. But once the error was discovered, the cases against them were not pursued. There were also a number of people who had left their computers in an insecure state and third parties had gained control over them. Again, said Stephens, these people were subsequently not pursued.
Here at "Received a letter from ACS:LAW?" we like to take the opportunity to share with you the results of this information when we fed it through our "Bull$hit Detector"
[caption id="attachment_125" align="alignleft" width="121" caption="The Davenport/ACS/TBI Bull$hit Detector - Click here"]
It does not look good. The FULL Statement can be found at
Labels: acs, acs law, ACS LAW Letters, amanda mitten, andrew crossley, bogus legal letters, brian miller, davenport lyons, logistep, techland, terence tsang, tilly bailey irvine
Sunday, 7 March 2010
FLASHBACK:Letter from lawyer Dr Kornmeier from Kornmeier & Partner to Brian Miller at Davenport Lyons
Included is a section which confirms that the original rights holders sign over the rights to DigiProtect so that they are legally allowed to make the works (hardcore porn movies) publicly available on P2P networks such as BitTorrent. Dr Kornmeier asks: “Does this constitute any problem under UK law?”
According to page 2 of the letter, when the recipient of these letters pay up, the spoils are divided up as follows – 51% to DigiProtect, 37.5% to Davenport Lyons and 11% to DigiRights Solutions. The remaining pages detail the exact business arrangement along with a list of the hundreds of porn movies covered by the agreement.
John Stagliano, boss of porn company Evil Angel which also worked with DigiProtect, admitted to earning less than £50 from each infringement and told the BBC the scheme “…was completely misrepresented” to him.
See the LAST SEVEN pages for some pretty vile sounding pornography, this is the kind of thing that Mr Miller and Mr Gore would like to be a part of!
This article (Apart from the last Paragraph) was part of a bigger article first published on Torrentfreak. Reposted here in light of the SRA's action and the fact that wikileaks no longer seems to host the leaked document
Davenport Lyons, ACS:LAW, Tilly Bailey and Irvine, SHAME ON YOU
These people sent a letter demanding £500 to an elderly couple, accusing them of illegally downloading gay porn film Army F*ckers.
The firm’s clients include German company DigiProtect, which owns the rights to Army F*ckers.
Can you even imagine what it must be like for a family man who is innocent yet receives a letter accusing him of downloading GAY Porn? How does he explain to his family that it is wrong? This is just one example of this kind of nasty "Extortion" or as the House of Lords referred to it, "Legal Blackmail". How many families will be destroyed by people like Miller, and Gore, and now Andrew Crossley of ACS:LAW, and Amanda Mitten of Tilly Bailey & Irvine? Destroying people for a fast buck, nasty just plain nasty. Shame on them.
Miller and Gore will of course be given a right to defend the allegations that are levelled at them, and a chance to a fair hearing. It is not fair that this right is stripped from the people they accuse. The ones who pay up, pay for a hoped silence to keep it from their families and loved ones, but those who choose to stand strong keep receiving letter after letter, even after they have denied the allegation.
ACS:LAW and Tilly Bailey & Irvine MUST either put up or SHUT UP, if you have this evidence then lets go to court and let us defend ourselves as is our right, STOP this legal circus that you claim Mr Crossley can last for up to SIX YEARS, end it NOW, go to court and try to save your tattered reputation, after the news that your previous Client in the "Sex on the Beach in Dubai" (Vince Acors) was confirmed as your personal friend and that also your other friend Lee Bowden of Piri Ltd and Media-Cat is also involved with you after working as Mr Acors Press Agent, I realy dont think you have a reputation to protect. Is that why you are so dogmatic?, that you have nothing left to lose? Well then so be it, I think you will be following Mr Miller and Mr Gore into the Disciplinary tribunal soon enough, and Ms Mitten dont think you will get away with it either.
Labels: acs, acs law, ACS LAW Letters, amanda mitten, andrew crossley, bogus legal letters, brian miller, davenport lyons, david gore, sra, terence tsang, tsang
Saturday, 6 March 2010
FLASHBACK: Eyewitness to Davenport Lyons aiding ACS:LAW in Court hearing
Topware in Court
Well that was very interesting.I attended the court proceedings this morning between Topware and BE UN LTD, much to the angst of Andrew Crossley. Not sure if he even knew that courts are public and as such anyone may attend and observe (provided that you don't interrupt / interfere, and you ask the judge nicely).Now the link between Davenport Lyons and ACS: Law became oh so more clear. The link is about as close as possible without them being the same company. Even in the minutes preceding the hearing, a representative of DL was giving prepatory documents to Andrew Crossley for him to use at the hearing...
During the hearing the Master even had to ask if this was the same case that he saw previously with DL, and wasn't that them in the corridor?
Also in attendance was a Miss Camilla Balleny from Arnold & Porter LLP - Camilla Balleny As far as I could tell, she was representing A&P who represent Virgin Media and BE UN Ltd.
The end result of the hearing today was that this hearing and two others (similar but with other ISPs) until Monday 8th June 11am, same place.
What was so interesting were the claims that Andrew Crossley made to Master Winergarten during the proceedings. That 1500+ letters had been sent out, and that a significant proportion of people pay the demand (35-40%). This is SO much higher than what we (collectively on the forums) had thought. Not sure if it's bull***t or bravado, but of course there wouldn't be any docs available to back that up. It was more that he was convincing Master Winergarten that they were doing the right thing, and having success, and that if they weren't guilty why would they pay etc.
That means that if some 500 people have paid up, each at around £600, that's £300k going into someone's pockets. Makes the whole thing worthwhile... almost... until you get stricken off as a lawyer for all this, and get made to pay the money back (perhaps).
I spoke to Camilla Balleny (think I freaked her out a little) after the hearing, and asked her if she knew how they got the IP addresses, and if she knew that the method that they got them was illegal or dubious at best, and had been thrown out of court in other European countries, and that a lawyer got struck off for 6 months for doing this.... Although I wasn't expecting any answers, her surprise, discomfort and silence spoke volumes. I even offered her to see the letter that ACS Law had sent me, though by this stage I think she just wanted to get the hell out of there.
Camilla - if you're reading this, the offer stays open, I'm sure plenty of us would be happy to send you format versions of our letters.
So, where from here? Well, I was going to go over to Hanover Square and visit Andrew Crossley, but after seeing him in the flesh, and having him validate in front of me all that we had previously suspected, I just didn't see the need.
He is taking this seriously, making a lot of money from it, and although seemed a little disorganised he was doing a fair job of convincing everyone else - who either didn't have the knowledge or information to know better.
The hearings were adjourned because the ISPs hadn't had time to verify all the facts (times, IPs etc) of the NEW batch of IPs to be churned through this ever growing fiasco. So thank you at least for that much, that the ISPs are checking that they're not giving out the wrong details this time.
I will continue with my stance of complete denial - although I'm not going to send any correspondence to ACS, as I would actually like for them to take me to court. I would LIKE to see all the EVIDENCE they have against me. I would LIKE to fight this, slam them down and stop all this bullying they are doing.
Stand strong people, and please use whatever means you have available to get the word out to the less informed people that they shouldn't pay (unless they really want to), to deny deny deny and let's see what happens when they try to take me to court.
Beingscammed, if you are still about, please email and say hi
Labels: acs, acs law, amanda mitten, andrew crossley, beingscammed, bogus legal letters, brian miller, davenport, davenport lyons, david gore, logistep, lord lucas
Friday, 5 March 2010
The SRA refers Davenport Lyons to the Solicitors' Disciplinary Tribunal
The SRA Refers Davenport Lyons to the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal
Directors David Gore and Brian Miller will stand before a misconduct panel over the bullying letters sent out to people demanding payment and accusing them of illegally sharing copyright material. A scheme since taken on by ACS:LAW with the help of Ex Davenport Lyons Paralegal Terence Tsang
A leading law firm is being investigated over claims that it bullied and harassed hundreds of people wrongly accused of illegal filesharing. The Solicitors Regulation Authority, an industry watchdog, said it is investigating a complaint brought against Davenport Lyons, the London-based solicitors' firm that has led a number of prosecutions against illegal filesharers. The consumer group Which? first made an official complaint in 2008, after a number of people contacted it to say that they had received letters from Davenport Lyons demanding payment for illegal downloads that were nothing to do with them.
Labels: acs, acs law, amanda mitten, andrew crossley, bogus, brian miller, davenport, davenport lyons, david gore, digiprotect, filesharing, lyons
Wednesday, 3 March 2010
ACS LAW: Lord Lucas "How the game works" and "If the SRA wont do anything about them then WE will"
Lord Lucas and others in the House of Lords give some hope to the thousands of innocent people accused of wrongdoing by these scheming scamming Solicitors. It is long but WELL WORTH LISTENING TO. Check the part from 1:20, he really sums it up well
Labels: acs, acs law, bogus legal letters, logistep, lord lucas, question, reality pump, techland, tilly bailey irvine, website, zuxxez
Tilly Bailey & Irvine, ACS:LAW and Logistep: An Embarrassment to the Creative Rights Industry
Lord Clement Jones lays into these Scamsters Lawyers in VERY strong terms in the House of Lords
Labels: acs, acs law, andrew crossley, bailey, bogus, bogus legal letters, filesharing, logistep, p2p, received, register, techland, terence tsang, tilly bailey irvine, tsang, zuxxez
Tilly Bailey & Irvine - Speculative Invoicing Letters - Follow ACS:LAW
Here is an example of one of their letters, of course with the personal details left out!
[gallery link="file" orderby="title"]
Labels: acs, acs law, andrew crossley, bailey, bogus, bogus legal letters, filesharing, irvine, letter, logistep, techland, terence tsang, tilly, tilly bailey irvine, tsang, website, zuxxez
ACS LAW: Lord Lucas "How the game works" and "If the SRA wont do anything about them then WE will"
Lord Lucas and others in the Lords blow ACS LAW out of the Water oh and not forgetting Tilly Bailey Irvine
Monday, 1 March 2010
Warning from MP over bogus legal letters Local MP Jon Trickett has urged his constituents to keep an eye out for letters they may receive from seemingly legitimate law firms. Jon Trickett said: It’s been brought to my attention that a number of my constituents have received threatening letters from a law firm demanding that they pay considerable sums of money for ‘illegally downloading’ material, such as films, games and music. I have referred all such cases on to the Solicitors Regulation Authority who are currently looking into the firm in question, but I would urge anyone who gets anything similar through the post to either seek independent legal advice or contact my office. Such firms can only get any money out of you by taking you to court and if you have genuinely not broken the law then you have nothing to worry about! I find it disgraceful that anyone should attempt to extort money out of people, particularly in a time of such economic uncertainty and I will continue to push the consumer and regulatory authorities to take tough action when anyone is found to be acting in such a way.
See his Website here and send him a Thankyou for standing up against these bullies.
See the FULL Article here